
esire and Temptation

esire and Temptation

Desire is innate to human nature to.
Temptation, as if Pandora's Box, obsessive, crazy, people, people desire to evoke a strong inner desire to share.
People walking in the community, ever be the desire to lure a wide variety, how are we to choose?
Generally speaking, that is, two choices, the relationship between conquering and being conquered.
First, be tempted by the conquest. Once the Pandora's Box is opened, it will be circulated no one can arrive seductive atmosphere, then the final choice can only yield to the desire of luxury clothing Cheng temple unable to extricate themselves. Yield to a certain time, it is no longer yield to cater to the identity, and finally into a voluntary act and will.
Sharp increase in the desire, the lure of the shadow will be with you hand in hand, always a test of your will and perseverance. Looking for a glimpse of the gap, all-pervasive, in the quiet, unaware that occupy your mind, occupied your mind. You will dominate the temptation to accept pleasure and happiness into the arms of temptation, desire to sink in the gentle village he wanted to do.
Second, the conquest of desire and temptation. As long as you have clear goals, in the right direction, have the responsibility to play, there are trade-offs and relieved, with restraint and moderation, desires, goals and directions that guide the beacon; desire is the responsibility and act as a catalyst; choice and at ease is to inhibit the temptation insulator, restraint and moderation is to regulate the temptation of a glass of sake, although the light is food for thought. Full life, so that you can exercise restraint unnecessary temptation to resist unnecessary desires.
Frankly, the best state of mind in the face of temptation; enrichment, is to overcome the temptation of the holy grail. Zhuge Liang in "sub-commandment book" in the above: No non-indifferent to intelligent, quiet and not to non-Zhi Yuan. Buddha again, he said: recognize others is a small smart, clear understanding of yourself is great wisdom. Inheritance of all ages are very deep and precipitation revealed the true meaning of life....

